Left nostril: Close the right nostril with the thumb.
Breathe in and out forcefully, without straining, through the left nostril 10 times. Count each breath mentally. The abdomen should expand and contract rhythmically with the breath. The pumping action should be performed by the abdomen alone. Do not expand the chest or raise the shoulders. The body should not jerk. There should be a snuffing sound in the nose but no sound should come from the throat or chest. After 10 respirations, breathe in deeply through the left nostril keeping the right nostril closed. Fill the lungs as much as possible, expanding both the chest and abdomen. Close both nostrils and hold the breath inside. Retain the breath for a few seconds.
Exhale through the left nostril. Right nostril: Close the left nostril and breathe in and out
forcefully 10 times through the right nostril, counting each time. Inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril. Close both nostrils and hold the breath inside. Retain the breath for a few seconds.
Breathe out slowly through the right nostril. Both nostrils: Open both nostrils.
Breathe in and out forcefully through both nostrils 10 times, mentally counting each time. Inhale slowly and deeply through both nostrils. Close both nostrils and retain the breath for a few seconds. Breathe out slowly through both nostrils together. Breathing through the left, the right and both nostrils, as
above, forms one complete round. Breathing: Bhastrika may be practised at three different breath
rates: slow, medium and fast, depending on the capacity of the practitioner. Slow bhastrika is practised to approximately one breath every two seconds, with no undue force on inhalation or exhalation. It is like amplified normal breathing. It is