Seetkari Pranayama (hissing breath)
Sit in any comfortable meditation posture. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Hold the teeth lightly together. Separate the lips, exposing the teeth. The tongue may be kept flat or folded against the soft palate in khechari mudra (refer to the section Mudra). Breathe in slowly and deeply through the teeth. At the end of the inhalation, close the mouth, keeping the tongue either flat or in khechari mudra. Breathe out slowly through the nose in a controlled manner. This is one round.
Practise 9 rounds. Duration: As for sheetali pranayama. Awareness: On the hissing sound. Sequence: As for sheetali pranayama. Contra-indications: As for sheetali pranayama. Practitioners
with sensitive teeth, missing teeth or dentures should
practise sheetali pranayama instead. Benefits: As for sheetali pranayama with the additional advan
tage that it keeps the teeth and gums healthy. Advanced practice: As for sheetali pranayama.