during internal retention, then external retention. When this has been mastered, apply uddiyana bandha on external retention only. It may be necessary to adjust the ratio of the breath to suit
the individual capacity. Breathing: Breathing should be silent in all techniques of nadi
shodhana, ensuring that it is not forced or restricted in any way. As the ratio and duration increases the breath becomes very light and subtle. Increased ratios and breath duration should not be attained at the expense of relaxation, rhythm and awareness. The flow of breath must be smooth, with no jerks, throughout the practice. Always use the chest and diaphragm muscles and practise yogic breathing. If one of the nostrils is blocked, perform jala
neti or breath balancing exercises before commencing. Awareness: Physical - on the breath and the counting.
Mental - it is easy for the mind to wander during nadi shodhana. Simply be aware of this wandering tendency of the mind, continue the practice and the count. This will automatically encourage the awareness to return to the practice.
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Precautions: Depending on the phase of the moon, one of the
two nostrils usually becomes strongly dominant during the time of sunrise and sunset. This is a period of intense swara, 'breath', activity and it is not advisable to alter the flows at this time. Under no circumstance should the breath be forced. Never breathe through the mouth. Proceed carefully and only under expert guidance. At the slightest sign of discomfort, reduce the duration of inhalation/ exhalation/retention and, if necessary, discontinue the practice for the day. Nadi shodhana should never be
rushed. Sequence: Nadi shodhana should be practised after asanas
and heating or cooling pranayamas, and before bhramari and ujjayi pranayamas. The best time to practise is from 4 to 6 am; however, it may be performed any time during the day except after meals.