First, relax the lower neck and upper chest, then allow the chest to contract downward and then inward. Next, allow the diaphragm to push upward and toward the chest. Without straining, try to empty the lungs as much as possible by drawing or pulling the abdominal wall as near as possible to the spine. The entire movement should be harmonious and flowing. Hold the breath for a few seconds at the end of exhalation. This completes one round of yogic breathing. At first perform 5 to 10 rounds and slowly increase to 10
minutes daily. Practice note: Yogic breathing is used in most pranayamas.
The main requirement, however, is that respiration be comfortable and relaxed. Consequently, once awareness and control of the breathing process has been established, the clavicular technique is dropped and yogic breathing is modified to become a combination of abdominal and thoracic breathing. The breath should flow naturally and not be forced.