Clavicular breathing is the final stage of total rib cage expansion. It occurs after the thoracic inhalation has been completed. In order to absorb a little more air into the lungs, the upper ribs and the collar bone are pulled upwards by the muscles of the neck, throat and sternum. This requires maximum expansion on inhalation and only the upper lobes of the lungs are ventilated. In daily life, clavicular breathing is only used under conditions of extreme physical exertion and when experiencing obstructive airway diseases such as asthma.
Clavicular breathing
Lie in shavasana and relax the whole body. Perform thoracic breathing for a few minutes. Inhale, fully expanding the rib cage When the ribs are fully expanded, inhale a little more until expansion is felt in the upper portion of the lungs around the base of the neck. The shoulders and collar bone should also move up slightly. This will take some effort. Exhale slowly, first releasing the lower neck and upper chest, then relax the rest of the rib cage back to its starting position. Continue for a few more breaths, observing the effect of this type of breathing.