Practice 5: Janufalak Akarshan (kneecap contraction)
Stay in the base position. Contract the muscle surrounding the right knee, drawing the kneecap back towards the thigh. Hold the contraction for 3 to 5 seconds, counting mentally. Release the contraction and let the kneecap return to its normal position. Practise 5 times. Repeat with the left kneecap 5 times,
then with both kneecaps together Breathing: Inhale while contracting.
Hold the breath during contraction.
Exhale while relaxing the knee muscles. Awareness: On the breath, mental counting and contraction.
Practice 6: Janu Naman (knee bending)
Stay in the base position. Bend the right knee and clasp the hands under the right thigh. Straighten the right leg, pulling up the kneecap. Keep the hands under the thigh but straighten the arms. Do not allow the heel or toes to touch the floor. Bend the right leg at the knee so that the thigh comes close to the chest and the heel near the buttocks. Keep the head and spine straight.