an important asana for the conservation of sexual energy, and tones the reproductive and eliminatory organs. It
also makes the legs and feet exceptionally supple. Note: Bhadrasana, the gentle or gracious pose, is a variation of
Gorakshasana (Yogi Gorakhnath's pose)
Sit with the legs stretched out in front of the body. Bend the knees, take hold of the feet and place the soles together. Draw the heels up to the perineum. Raise the heels, keeping the balls of the feet on the floor. Place the hands behind the buttocks, fingers pointing backward, and lever the body forward until the feet become vertical. The knees should remain on the floor. Do not strain. Cross the wrists in front of the navel. Hold the left heel with the right hand and the right heel with the left hand. Straighten the spine and face forward. Perform nasikagra drishti.