Dhanurakarshanasana (archer's pose)
Sit with the legs together and outstretched in front of the body. Straighten the arms and cross them with the right arm uppermost. Bend slightly forward from the hips and grasp the big toe of the right foot with the left hand, wrapping the second finger around the big toe to form a loop which is closed with the thumb. Grasp the big toe of the left foot with the right hand Pull the right foot up under the right arm. Place the foot on the left thigh. Keep the right arm straight and hold the spine and head erect. Pull the right big toe towards the left ear. The right knee should touch the right elbow. This is the final position. Hold for as long as the breath can be comfortably retained. Try not to bend the head forward. Lower the right foot to the left thigh, stretch the leg forward and release the hands. Repeat on the other side.