Hamsasana (swan pose)
Kneel on the floor with the feet together and the knees apart. Place the palms flat on the floor with the fingers pointing towards the feet. Bring the wrists and forearms together so that they touch.
Lean forward so that the abdomen rests on top of the elbows and the chest rests on the upper arms.
Maintain the balance and slowly stretch the legs backward until they are straight.
Keep the feet together and place the tips of the toes on the floor.
Raise the head slightly and focus the gaze on a fixed point in front at eye level.
In the final position, all the weight of the body should rest on the hands and the tips of the toes.
Hold the position for as long as is comfortable.
Do not strain.
Lower the knees to the floor and sit up in vajrasana. Relax the whole body.
Breathing: Exhale completely before moving into the first
Retain the breath out if assuming and holding the final position for a short time and when lowering the body. Alternatively, breathe deeply and slowly if holding the pose for an extended period.
Inhale after returning to the sitting position.