Relax the whole body and focus on a fixed point in front at eye level. Lean backwards slightly onto the coccyx, lifting the feet off the floor. Slowly raise the feet and straighten the knees. Balance on the buttocks. Pulling the arms back, draw the knees towards the head. Relax the back as much as possible in the final position. Do not strain. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Slowly bend the knees and lower the feet to the floor. Stretch the legs forward.
Relax the whole body. Breathing: Inhale in the sitting position.
Retain the breath in while raising and lowering the legs and while balancing. Retain the breath, or breathe deeply and slowly if holding the pose for an extended period.
Exhale after lowering the feet. Duration: Practise up to 3 rounds, or hold once for up to 3
minutes. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance by focusing on
a fixed point.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Sequence: This practice may be followed by bhujangasana or
makarasana. Contra-indications: People suffering from slipped disc, sciatica,
sacral infections, high blood pressure or heart disease
should not practise this asana. Benefits: This practice has similar benefits to paschimottan
asana. In addition, it helps balance the nervous system.