recommended for the prevention of asthma, hay fever, diabetes and menopausal imbalance. It also helps to rectify many forms of nervous and glandular disorder, especially those related to the reproductive system. This asana reverses the effect of gravity on the spine. Strain on the back is thus alleviated and the reversed flow of blood in the legs and visceral regions aids tissue regeneration. The weight of the abdominal organs on the diaphragm encourages deep exhalation so that larger amounts of carbon dioxide, toxins and bacteria are
removed from the lungs. Practice note: In the final position, most of the weight of the
body is sustained by the top of the head, the arms being used to maintain balance only. Beginners, however, may use the arms as support until the neck is strong enough to bear the full weight of the body, and a reasonable sense of balance has been developed. If the practitioner should fall during the practice, the body should be as relaxed as possible. If the fall is forward, try to fold the knees into the chest so that the impact on the floor is sustained by the feet. If falling backwards, arch the back, again so that the feet sustain the impact.