Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 3: Slowly walk the feet as close as possible towards the
trunk and head, gradually moving the back towards the vertical position. Bend the knees slightly, press the thighs against the abdomen and lower chest. Transfer the body weight slowly from the toes onto the head and arms, maintaining a steady balance. Raise one foot off the floor about 20 cm, carefully balance, then raise the other foot and balance on the head and
arms. Stage 4: Bending the knees, gradually raise the calves in a
controlled movement. Adjust the trunk slightly to counterbalance the weight of the legs. Fold the legs back so the heels move towards the buttocks. To accomplish this movement contract the muscles of the lower back. The knees are now pointing down with the legs together. Maintain the position for a few seconds, being aware of complete balance before proceeding.