spine, to support the back. The elbows should be about shoulder width apart. Gently push the chest forward so that it presses firmly against the chin. In the final position, the legs are vertical, together and in a straight line with the trunk. The body is supported by the shoulders, nape of the neck and back of the head. The arms provide stability, the chest rests against the chin and the feet are relaxed. Close the eyes. Relax the whole body in the final pose for as long as is comfortable. To return to the starting position, bring the legs forward until the feet are above and behind the back of the head. Keep the legs straight. Slowly release the position of the hands and place the arms on the floor beside the body with the palms down. Gradually lower each vertebrae of the spine to the floor, followed by the buttocks, so that the legs resume their initial vertical position. Lower the legs to the floor slowly, keeping the knees straight. Perform this action without using the arms for support. The whole movement should combine balance with control so that the body contacts the floor slowly and gently. Relax in shavasana until the respiration and heartbeat
return to normal. Breathing: Inhale in the starting position.
Retain the breath inside while assuming the final pose. Practise slow, deep abdominal breathing in the final pose when the body is steady. Retain the breath inside while lowering the body to the
floor. Duration: Beginners should hold the final position for a few
seconds only, gradually increasing the time over a period of weeks to an optimum of 3 to 5 minutes for general health. This practice should be performed only once during the asana programme.