In the final position, the weight of the body rests on the shoulders, neck and elbows, the trunk is at a 45 degree angle to the floor and the legs are vertical. Note that the chin does not press against the chest. Close the eyes and relax in the final pose for as long as is comfortable. To return to the starting position, lower the legs over the head, then place the arms and hands close to the body, palms facing down. Slowly lower the spine, vertebra by vertebra, along the floor. Do not lift the head. When the buttocks reach the floor, lower the legs, keeping them straight.
Relax the body in shavasana. Breathing: Inhale while in the lying position.
Retain the breath inside while assuming the final pose. Once the body is steady in the final pose, practise normal or ujjayi breathing. Retain the breath inside while lowering the body to the
floor. Duration: Beginners should practise for a few seconds only,
gradually increasing the time over a period of weeks to an optimum of 3 to 5 minutes for general health purposes. This practice should be performed only once during the
asana programme. Other details: As for sarvangasana. Practice note: This asana is a preparatory practice for sarvang
asana. It is recommended for beginners and those with stiff necks who are unable to perform sarvangasana. If there is discomfort in the elbows while performing the practice, extra padding may be placed under them; bringing them closer together at the start of the practice may also help. To begin with, it may be necessary to bend the
knees when raising and lowering the legs. Note: This posture provides the basis for vipareeta karani mudra as
used in kriya yoga.