sushumna nadi and unleash kundalini to bring about psychic awakening. While it is unlikely that kundalini will be raised through practice of these asanas alone, inverted postures undoubtedly improve the quality of meditation and concentration, refining the consciousness and enabling it to enter unexplored levels of the mind.
This important group of asanas must be performed correctly and with the utmost care. It is emphasised that these are powerful practices and that the following observances should be strictly adhered to.
Time of practice: Do not practise inverted asanas until at least three hours after taking food. Do not perform inverted asanas immediately after vigorous exercise. Wait for half an hour to allow the body to remove the waste products of muscle metabolism from the blood.
Equipment: Always practise these asanas on a folded blanket thick enough to protect the vertebra of the neck and back of the head. Never practise on a soft mattress, spring bed or air cushion.
Duration: Beginners should only remain in the final positions for a few seconds. Once an asana can be maintained without experiencing the slightest difficulty, the duration may be increased gradually until it can be held for the recommended time.
Rest: Always follow inverted poses with shavasana. Rest until the breath and heartbeat are completely normal, then practise the recommended counterpose.
Precautions: Do not practise near furniture or anything that might impede a free fall to the floor. During a backward or forward fall, aim to break the fall with the feet. While falling, the body should be completely relaxed, never tense. If any discomfort occurs, discontinue the practice.
Contra-indications: People suffering from high blood pressure and back conditions, especially slipped disc, should not practise these asanas. Those with illnesses that make the blood impure should not perform inverted asanas until the blood is purified. Those who are uncertain about the purity of their blood should seek the advice of a yoga teacher or ayurvedic