management of diabetes. Under special guidance it is used for the yogic management of sinusitis, hay fever, bronchitis, constipation, colitis, menstrual disorders, urinary tract disorders and cervical spondylitis, as long as
it can be performed without any discomfort. Variation: For beginners and those with stiff bodies the follow
ing adjustments to the position may be made: The leg that is placed by the side of the buttock should remain straight and the hand holding the ankle may be wrapped around the opposite thigh, hugging the knee to the chest.
Parivritti Janu Sirshasana (spiralled head to knee pose)
Sit with the legs about a metre apart. Bend the left knee and place the heel against the perineum. Bend forward, inclining the body to the right to hold the right foot with the right hand. The fingers should be in contact with the arch of the foot and the thumb should be on top. Place the elbow on the floor on the inside of the straight
Move the right shoulder down towards the right leg. Bring the left arm over the head and grasp the right foot with the left hand.