holding the pose, or on the balance.
Spiritual - on mooladhara or swadhisthana chakra. Sequence: This asana may be practised as preparation for
forward bending asanas. Contra-indications: Those suffering from sciatica should not
practise this asana. Benefits: This practice makes the hip joints flexible. It helps
the proper development and shaping of the pelvis in young girls. It reduces excess weight on the hips and thighs and develops a sense of balance and coordination,
making the posture and gait more steady and graceful. Practice note: Make sure the whole body stays in a straight
line without allowing it to curve or bend at the buttocks.
Pada Hastasana (forward bending pose)
Stand with the spine erect, feet together and hands beside the body. Relax the body. This is the starting position. Distribute the weight of the body evenly on both feet. Slowly bend forward, first bending the head, taking the