Variation: Assume the same starting position as above but
with the hands in front of the body on the floor. Slowly bend forward and grasp the big toes with the fingers. Try to place the forehead on the floor directly in front of the body. Gradually bring the chest, abdomen and pelvic region to the floor. Raise the head so that the throat and chin are also on the floor. This is the final position. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Release the hands and return to the starting position.
Janu Sirshasana (head to knee pose)
Sit with the legs outstretched and the feet together. Bend the left leg, placing the heel of the foot against the perineum and the sole of the foot against the inside of the right thigh. Keep the left knee on the floor. Place the hands on top of the right knee, keeping the spine straight and the back muscles relaxed. This is the starting position. Slowly bend forward, sliding the hands down the right leg, and grasp the right foot. If possible, hold the big toe with the index finger, middle finger and thumb of the left hand and the outside edge of the foot with the right hand.