Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the movement with
the breath.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Contra-indications: As for paschimottanasana. Benefits: The benefits are the same as for paschimottanasana
although at a reduced level. This is a dynamic practice which speeds up the circulation and metabolic processes. In addition, it renders the whole body more flexible, stimulating physical and pranic energy.
Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana (legs spread back
stretch pose) Sit with the legs spread apart as wide as possible. Interlock the fingers behind the back. This is the starting position. Turn the trunk to the right. Raise the arms up behind the back and bend forward over the right leg. Keep the arms straight. Try to touch the knee with the nose. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Raise the trunk and lower the arms. Turn to the left and repeat the movement on this side. Return to the centre.