Saithalyasana (animal relaxation pose)
Sit on the floor with the legs outstretched. Carefully bend the right knee and place the sole of the foot against the inside of the left thigh. Bend the left knee and place the left heel to the outside of the left buttock. Turn the torso to the right and rest the hands on the right knee. Raise the arms above the head, keeping them straight and shoulder width apart. Bend forward over the right knee bringing the forehead to the floor. Relax in the position. To return to the starting position, raise the arms and trunk in one straight line, then lower the hands to the right knee. Practise 5 times on the right side, then change legs and
repeat 5 times on the left side. Breathing: Inhale while raising the arms.
Exhale while bending forward. Breathe normally in the final position. Inhale while returning to the upright position.
Exhale while lowering the arms. Awareness: Physical - on synchronisation of the movement
with the breath and relaxation of the back. Spiritual - on manipura chakra.