Baddha Padmasana (locked lotus pose)
Sit in padmasana.
Take the arms behind the back and cross them. Breathe out, leaning forward slightly, and reach for the right big toe with the right hand and the left big toe with the left hand. If it is difficult to grasp the toes, stretch the shoulders back so that the shoulder blades are brought nearer to each other. Hold the big toe of the foot which is uppermost first.
Breathe in deeply.
Exhale, bend forward and try to touch the forehead to the floor. This is an advanced form of yogamudrasana.
Remain in the final position for as long as is comfortable. Return to padmasana, cross the legs the other way around and repeat the practice.
Breathing: Deep and slow in the final position.
Awareness: Physical - on the abdomen or breathing process. Spiritual on anahata chakra.
Sequence: An excellent preliminary for meditation practices. Variation: Sit in baddha padmasana.
Take a deep breath in and, exhaling, bend forward into yogamudrasana.