higher above the water, facilitating respiration. As the body is
compact and rigid, it is able to float with less effort. Variation I: This variation follows the basic technique except
for the position of the hands. Interlock the fingers of both hands. Place the hands behind
the head and rest the back of the head in the open palms. Variation 2: (for beginners)
Sit with the legs stretched forward. Fold one leg, placing the foot on the opposite thigh as in ardha padmasana, the half lotus pose. Keep the other leg straight in front of the body. Slowly bend backward, using the elbows for support, and lower the crown of the head to the floor. Hold the foot of the bent leg with both hands. Accentuate the arch of the back as much as possible. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Remain in the final position for a comfortable length of time and then return to the starting position. Repeat the same pose with the other leg folded. As an alternative, rest the back of the head on the floor instead of the top of the head.
Variation 3: (for beginners)
Stretch both legs straight in front of the body. Lean backward, using the arms for support, and rest the top of the head on the floor. Arch the back and place both palms on the thighs or let them rest on the floor. Return to the starting position after some time in the final position.