Make fists with the hands and place them in the lap on top of the upturned heels with the wrists facing upward. The fists should be held in contact with the soft part of the abdomen, just below the ribs.
Continue as for the basic practice. Benefits: This variation gives a powerful compression of the
abdomen although the back is not stretched as much as it is in the other variations. It is beneficial for wind, constipation and other abdominal ailments.
Matsyasana (fish pose)
Sit in padmasana and relax the whole body. Carefully bend backward, supporting the body with the arms and elbows. Lift the chest slightly, take the head back and lower the crown of the head to the floor. Hold the big toes and rest the elbows on the floor. Adjust the position of the head so that the maximum arch of the back is attained. Relax the arms and the whole body, allowing the head, buttocks and legs to support the weight of the body. Close the eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Return to the starting position, reversing the order of movements. Repeat the asana, with the legs crossed the other way.