Yogamudrasana (psychic union pose)
Sit in padmasana and close the eyes.
Relax the body for some time, breathing normally. Hold one wrist behind the back with the other hand. Inhale deeply.
While exhaling, bend forward, keeping the spine straight. Bring the forehead to the floor or as close as possible. Relax the whole body in the final position, breathing slowly and deeply. Be aware of the pressure of the heels on the abdomen.
Stay in the final position for as long as is comfortable. Do not strain the back, ankles, knees or thighs by forcing the body into the posture.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat the pose with the legs crossed the other way around. Breathing: Inhale slowly and deeply in the starting position. Exhale while bending forward.
Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position. Inhale while returning to the starting pose.
Duration: Try to remain in the final position for one or two
If it is difficult to stay in the final position for more than a short time, repeat the asana a few times.
Awareness: Physical - on the back, abdomen or breathing
Spiritual on manipura chakra.