Position 5: Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)
Maintaining balance, raise the hands and bring the palms together in front of the chest, forming namaskara mudra. Stretch both arms over the head, keeping the palms together. Arch the back and look up, raising the chin as high as possible. There should be a gentle curve from the tips of the fingers to the tips of the toes, resembling a crescent moon. Hold the pose for a short time. Lower the hands to the chest in namaskara mudra, then, separating them, place the hands on each side of the left
foot as in position 4. Breathing: Inhale deeply while raising the arms, arching the
back and bending the head back. Retain the breath inside while lowering the arms or start
exhalation while lowering the arms. Awareness: Physical - on the smooth controlled movement
and balance.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Benefits: This practice develops a sense of balance and gives a
good stretch through the front of the body.