Position 11: Hasta Utthanasana (raised arms pose)
This stage is a repeat of position 2. Raise the torso and stretch the arms above the head. Keep the arms separated, shoulder width apart.
Bend the head, arms and upper trunk backward. Breathing: Inhale while straightening the body. Awareness: Physical - on the stretch of the abdomen and
expansion of the lungs.
Spiritual - on vishuddhi chakra Mantra: Om Arkaya Namaha, salutations to he who is fit to be
Position 12: Pranamasana (prayer pose)
This is the final position and is the same as position 1.
Bring the palms together in front of the chest. Breathing: Exhale while assuming the final position. Awareness: Physical - on the region of the heart.
Spiritual - on anahata chakra. Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha, salutations to he who leads to
Positions 13-24: The twelve positions of surya namaskara are
practised twice to complete one round. Positions 1 to 12 constitute half a round. In the second half, the positions are repeated with two small changes: a) In position 16, instead of stretching the right foot
backward, stretch the left foot back. b) In position 21, bend the right leg and bring the right
foot between the hands. Conclusion: On the completion of each half round, lower
the arms to the side, relax the body and concentrate on the breath until it returns to normal. After completing surya namaskara, practise shavasana for a few minutes. This will allow the heartbeat and respiration to return to
normal and all the muscles to relax. Practice note: In reference to position 4: when practising surya
namaskara for general or therapeutic purposes, begin by placing the right leg back to activate pingala nadi as