Position 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (equestrian pose)
Place the palms of the hands flat on the floor beside the feet. Stretch the right leg back as far as possible. At the same time, bend the left knee, keeping the left foot on the floor in the same position. Keep the arms straight. In the final position, the weight of the body should be supported on both hands, the left foot, right knee and toes of the right foot. The head should be tilted backward, the back arched and the inner gaze directed upward to
the eyebrow centre. Breathing: Inhale while stretching the right leg back. Awareness: Physical - on the stretch from the thigh to the
chest or on the eyebrow centre.
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Mantra: Om Bhanave Namaha, salutations to he who illumines. Benefits: This pose massages the abdominal organs and im
proves their functioning, strengthens the leg muscles and
induces balance in the nervous system. Practice note: In the final pose the palms of the hands should
be flat on the floor initially. Later on, more advanced practitioners may come up onto the fingertips.