generate prana, the subtle energy which activates the psychic body. Their performance, in a steady, rhythmic sequence, reflects the rhythms of the universe; the twenty-four hours of the day, the twelve zodiac phases of the year and the biorhythms of the body. The application of this form and rhythm to the body/mind complex generates the transforming force which produces a fuller and more dynamic life.
Time of practice: The ideal time to practise surya namaskara is at sunrise, the most peaceful time of day. Whenever possible, practise in the open air, facing the rising sun. Sunset is also a good time to practise as it stimulates the digestive fire. Surya namaskara, however, may be practised at any time provided the stomach is empty.
Preparation: Before commencing the practice, stand with the feet together or slightly apart, and the arms hanging loosely by the side of the body. Close the eyes gently and become aware of the whole physical body as one homogeneous unit. In this position the body may sway from side to side or backward and forward. Try to minimise this oscillation and balance the body weight equally on both feet.
Bring the awareness inside the body and mentally begin to relax it. Starting from the top of the head, take the awareness systematically through all the parts, releasing any tension. Intensify, once more, the awareness of the whole physical body and feel in harmony with it.
Take the awareness to the soles of the feet in contact with the floor. Feel that the whole body is being pulled downwards by gravity and that any tensions are being pulled down, through the body and into the ground. At the same time, experience the vital force surging up from the earth and flooding the whole being.
Finally, take the awareness to the eyebrow centre and visualise a brilliant, red rising sun infusing the whole body and mind with its vitalising and healing rays. Imagine you are facing the early morning sunrise, about to practise surya namaskara with smooth synchronised movements, flowing into one another like a dance.