Dolasana (pendulum pose)
Stand with the feet about a metre apart.
Raise the arms and interlock the fingers behind the neck with the elbows pointing sideways.
Take a deep breath in. Turn slightly to the right, exhale and bend forward, keeping the feet firmly on the ground. Bring the head as close as possible to the right knee. The legs should remain straight throughout the practice. Hold the breath and swing the head and upper torso from the right knee to the left knee and then from the left knee to the right knee.
Repeat 3 times, still holding the breath.
Breathing in, return to the centre and the upright position. This is one round.
Awareness: Physical - on the back, straightness of the knees
and the balance.
Spiritual on swadhisthana chakra.
Contra-indications: Not to be performed by people suffering from vertigo, high blood pressure or hiatus hernia. Benefits: This asana strengthens the hamstrings and back muscles, makes the back supple and tones the spinal nerves. It improves the blood circulation to the head and face.