pose, it allows the brain to gradually adapt to the extra blood flow and pressure in the head when the body is inverted. It gives many of the benefits of sirshasana but to a lesser degree. Pranamasana is especially beneficial for the management of asthma. It promotes drainage of the lungs and chest and helps to open the air passages. It also decompresses the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae and nerve roots which are often the seat of psycho-emotional tension in an asthma attack. It should be performed at the immediate onset of an asthma attack to obtain full benefits.
Ardha Ushtrasana (half camel pose)
Sit in vajrasana with the knees apart and the ankles at the side of the buttocks. Stand up on the knees with the arms at the sides. Keep the feet flat behind the body. While inhaling, stretch the arms sideways and raise them to shoulder level.