Note: The Sanskrit word shashank means moon'. It is derived from
two words: shash meaning 'hare' and ank meaning 'lap'. People in India have seen the dark patches on the full moon as resembling the shape of a hare with the moon in its lap. Furthermore, the moon symbolises peace and calm; it emits soothing and tranquilUsing vibrations. Shashankasana has a similar calming and cooling effect. More simply, it is the position frequently adopted
by hares and rabbits. Variation I: Sit in vajrasana and close the eyes.
Hold the right wrist with the left hand behind the back. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Inhale and then, while exhaling, slowly bend the trunk forward from the hips so that the forehead rests on the floor. Remain in the final position for a comfortable length of time while breathing normally or deeply or in ujjayi.
Return to the starting position while inhaling. Variation 2: Sit in vajrasana.
Place the fists in front of the lower abdomen. Inhale and then, while exhaling, slowly bend forward until the forehead touches the floor. The fists will exert pressure on the lower abdominal organs. Retain the breath in the final position for as long as is comfortable. Inhale while raising the trunk and head.
Practise 2 to 3 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the pressure of the fists in the abdo
men in the final position. Benefits: This variation massages and improves the efficiency
of the intestines and digestive organs, relieving ailments such as constipation and excessive wind in addition to the
benefits derived from the basic form of the practice. Variation 3: Sit in vajrasana.
Interlock the fingers of both hands behind the back. Breathe in deeply. Then, breathing out, move the head and trunk forward and rest the head on the floor. Simultaneously, raise the arms up and bring them as far forward as possible.