Veerasana (hero's pose)
Sit in vajrasana. Raise the right knee and place the right foot flat on the floor beside the inside of the left knee. Put the right elbow on the right knee and rest the chin on the palm of the right hand. Close the eyes and relax. Keep the body completely motionless and the spine and head straight.
Repeat with the left foot placed beside the right knee. Breathing: Slow, deep breathing, imagining that the breath is
flowing in and out of bhrumadhya, the eyebrow centre. Duration: Practise for a minimum of two minutes. Repeat on
the other side with the left elbow on the left knee. Awareness: Physical - on keeping the head and spine straight
and on the breath.
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Benefits: This asana balances the mind, increases the power of
concentration, allows more awareness of the unconscious realms and induces physical and mental relaxation quickly. The thinking process becomes very clear and precise. It is useful for those who think too much or who have disturbed