muscles. It is a preventative measure against hernia and also helps to relieve piles. It increases the efficiency of the entire digestive system, relieving stomach ailments such as hyperacidity and peptic ulcer. It reduces the blood flow to the genitals and massages the nerve fibres which feed them, making it useful in the treatment of dilated testicles and hydrocele in men. It assists women in labour and helps alleviate menstrual disorders. Vajrasana is a very important meditation posture because the body becomes upright and straight with no effort. It is the best meditation asana for people suffering from sciatica and sacral infections. It stimulates the vajra nadi, activates prana in sushumna and redirects sexual energy to the
brain for spiritual purposes. Practice note: If there is pain in the thighs, the knees may be
separated slightly while maintaining the posture. Beginners may find that their ankles ache after a short time in vajrasana. To remedy this, release the posture, sit with the legs stretched forward and shake the feet vigorously one after the other until the stiffness disappears. Then resume the posture. A folded blanket or small cushion may be placed between the buttocks and the heels for added comfort.
Note: Vajrasana is used by Muslims and Zen Buddhists as a position
for prayer and meditation. People who cannot perform padmasana or siddhasana, or find them uncomfortable, may sit in vajrasana
for meditation practice. Variation I: Check the flow of breath through the nostrils. If
the air flow through the left nostril is predominant, then place the left big toe on top of the right big toe; if the right flow is predominant, place the right big toe on top. Sit in vajrasana as described. This will help to balance the flow of the breath in the left and right nostrils, which are related to ida and pingala
nadis, and thereby tranquillise the mind. Variation 2: Separate the feet (not the knees) so that the big
toes are about 25cm apart.