they touch, or almost touch, the floor. Grasp the toes of the right foot and pull them up into the space between the left calf and thigh. Again, adjust the position so that it is comfortable. Ensure that the knees are firmly on the ground. Make the spine fully erect and straight as though it were planted solidly in the earth. Place the hands on the knees is chin, jnana or chinmaya mudra.
Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Contra-indications: As for siddhasana. Benefits: As for siddhasana. Note: The Sanskrit word yoni means womb' or 'source'.
Swastikasana (auspicious pose)
Sit with the legs straight in front of the body. Bend the left knee and place the sole of the left foot against the inside of the right thigh, so there is no contact between the heel and the perineum. Bend the right knee and place the right foot in the space between the left thigh and calf muscle, so there is no contact between the heel and the pubis. Grasp the toes of the left foot and pull them up into the space between the right calf and thigh. Adjust the position so that it is comfortable. The knees should be firmly on the floor. Straighten the spine. Place the hands on the knees in chin, jnana or chinmaya
mudra. Variation: Sit with the legs straight in front of the body.
Bend the left leg, place the sole against the inside of the right thigh.