Siddhasana (accomplished pose for men)
Sit with the legs straight in front of the body. Bend the right leg and place the sole of the foot flat against the inner left thigh with the heel pressing the perineum (the area midway between the genitals and the anus), sitting on top of the right heel. This is an important aspect of siddhasana. Adjust the body until it is comfortable and the pressure of the heel is firmly applied. Bend the left leg and place the left ankle directly over the right ankle so that the ankle bones are touching and the heels are one above the other. Press the pubis with the left heel directly above the genitals. The genitals will, therefore, lie between the two heels. If this last position is too difficult, simply place the left heel as near as possible to the pubis. Push the toes and the outer edge of the left foot into the space between the right calf and thigh muscles. If necessary, this space may be enlarged slightly by using the hands or temporarily adjusting the position of the right leg.