moment, one fears that the best of best fabric is going to get cut. But the fabric has to find its own freedom first. Then the fabric has to get stitched just right to fit all the emotions. That is called the perfect dress.
Mehndi is applied for hours in fine designs with great perfection. To balance the color and the designs, the lines have to be thick enough to give a deep color, yet delicate enough to portray an intricate illustration. After a couple of weeks, the deep bright color of Mehndi fades like the sunshine and evenings of our lives. If we invest in intricacies of understanding our soul, we can be steadfast within. Then we will not feel our connections deepening and fading like Mehndi, but be able to experience a calm, stable deep bright color of our own.
Many instruments make one, beautiful melody. Many instruments are required to create harmony. Many of us will dance and make one moving circle, uniting with colors and music, fully knowing and wanting to forget all the challenges of our lives. The harmony is not in outside connections and circumstances, but within. My own infinite qualities join to create one strong, steadfast nature.
The present life provides us with bonds, yet within us we are eternally complete and free. Isn't this a wonder! If I am complete within me, then I have the strength to fight and enjoy, to connect and disconnect, to laugh and cry, and to love. We bestow an eternal blessing to the couple to understand that strength within, which empowers one to live life fully. Strength within is our true strength, allowing us to share, give, take. At the end of the celebrations, parents may feel they are losing an important connection to their children, but we hope parents also connect with their souls. Then they all will experience just right, never fading, never ending, equanimous happiness and unity within.