Instant Gratification
The failure for our future generation
Information technology has created all, instant gratification
Video games, television shows, do not let us relax or think
Do not let us savor ourselves, the joy within us, gratification deep down
Technology stimulates the five senses and creates temporary happiness Stimulation distracts us from a deeper knowledge
Our gurus have contemplated this for 2000 years Have experienced the vast, boundless, still knower
The knowledge () is pure, perfect and deep
Pearls are found deep in the ocean, not in the crashing waves
Human is attracted to this shallow gratification, instant information Feels happy, sad, informed, successful, like a little boy who cannot live without games
Boy, do not get consumed, instant is not gratification, but a disguise. Instant is temporary and gives us pain, is an obstacle to reach deeper
Young man, gratification is not instant. It is not based on the changing outside world Profound everlasting gratification springs from your steady, pure, perfect form