Therefore I do not find any way a reason to be enlightened as my any action will not
be nullified from the self realization.
Answer from Enlightened Guru on third principle. It is by the inspiration of soul
the action has taken place Merely the body with empty mind
can not take any action. If the soul does not act then
it does not do any work But this is not feasible
being against the nature of the soul. If the soul was always detached from the
body, then one would feel it. The detachment is only possible
if you follow path of self realization. God is never responsible for
your action, as it is ultimate truth. If God is responsible for your action
then God will be blamed for action. Each action will turn into reward
for a normal person. After self realization of soul the action from soul
becomes part of the inner consciousness
Questions doubting the fourth principle. Soul as an actor is bound to be in action, but action being merely an act, I do not
understand why should the soul get reward? If God becomes responsible for the reward
of any action, then God will lose
His identity of being ultimate truth.
Philosophy & Enlightenment