Answer from Enlightened Guru on first principle. With the appearance of the body you feel
soul is united in your body. With the right knowledge your ability
will differentiate body and soul. With the appearance of the body you feel
soul is united in your body But they are two different things
like sword and sword cover. Like you can see anything or visualize
with the help of your eyes, Same way one can visualize
own experience through presence of soul. All the five senses perform as per
their individual characteristics. But soul can perform collectively
integrating all the senses. Body does not have knowledge,
nor the breath for the existence of soul, Body is called alive or breathing
because of the presence of the soul. At every stage of life like child,
young and old you feel different, But this is all happening because
of the presence of the soul. You can visualize the existence of
Pot or Cloth, but I am surprised, That you don't believe in the identity
which has knowledge to visualize. If the body and soul are
one thing or united, then Fat person will have
more intellect than the thin one.
Philosophy & Enlightenment