The above description was of a person
who leaves in the egoistic world. Now I will describe spiritual person
who seeks soul's endless joy. Spiritual person. A spiritual person thinks that enlightened Guru
is having right knowledge, Rest of the religious leaders or
so called Gurus are away from spirituality Such person remains very grateful for
the past, present and future and after being with enlightened Guru,
accepts Guru's wish to do anything. Such person believes that in the
past, present and future time, there was only one way to get enlightened
and that path is being stated by the Sadguru. Such person with thoughts given above
starts search to find Sadguru. Having an enlightened Guru is
ultimate satisfaction for spiritual person. Spirituality is embedded in person
who is humble to all leaving organism. When anger, pride, greed calm down,
Seeker will wish to be enlightened. Seeker has to continue direction given by
Sadguru till the right time, During this time seeker must have
patience and faith in enlightened Guru At the right time seeker starts getting
all the help from the Sadguru. This will create right thought process
and sense of joy in the seeker.
Philosophy & Enlightenment