This person believes that all the
achievements of enlightened Guru Will be fulfilled and understood
in blind faith without using intellect. This person in order to satisfy
own ego believes in dishonest Guru, avoids meeting and discussions
with enlightened Guru. This person believes that one can
get knowledge from changing forms of God
and this is the true path of realization. This person having reached
no place and to gain more pride Does not gain any knowledge
and remains in social trap. This person respects the words of
enlightened Guru, but neither follows path, nor takes any decision
but just remains in elite society. Any person becoming friend of
egoistic person will not change, Will not have knowledge or
experience of enlightened Guru. This person leaving in own ego
and pride does not gain anything From the path of the self realization
and remains in his world. This person having bad fate remains
with anger, pride, greed, attachments. This person is not straight forward or
balanced nor detached from like dislike.
Philosophy & Enlightenment