six elements. 1) Atma, jiva (living organism) 2) Ajiva (non living matter.) 3) Dharma.(element supporting action, movement) 4) Adharma( element supporting non movement, stillness.) 5) Aakash (element covering whole universe) 6) kal.(Time)
Five existing elements: These are above first five without kal.( as time is always is in relevant terms)
Four Yogas.
1) Dharmakatha.( religious stories of the past to get understanding of your soul.)
2) Dravyanuyog. (detail study of the element soul.)
3) Karnanuyog. (details study of the actions, rewards and how to get liberation of soul)
4) Charnanuyog.(how one must behave to get enlightened.)
Six principles of soul (Atma) 1) Atma is existing. 2) Atma is undestroyable. 3) Atma does all actions. 4) Atma gets reward of all actions. 5) Moksha - getting free from the cycle of re-birth.
6) Moksha is possible. Atma can become enlightened, with knowledge, vision and attain pure form.
Philosophy & Enlightenment