Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
many other pretexts.
But if you have to go to a sales-tax officer or an income-tax officer or to the police-station; or if a wrong and deceptive entry is noticed in your accounts by the officer concerned, you will place a paper weight upon the accounts; otherwise, they will fly away
Forgive and forget.
This is a secret gift.
If you are asked to give some gift to the Arihant Paramatma you will start pleading pretexts.
When you realise your soul; love manifests itself and you will understand your true self and its state. THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SOUL
If you once reach the state of spiritual realisation, no one need prevail upon you to do deeds of benevolence. The desire to help others arises naturally in you. After that, you need not wander in the darkness of ignorance. A divine radiance will guide you on your way. You will attain self-realisation by means of spiritual studies and the study of Dharma granthas; and they will lead you on the royal road to salvation.
There are many ways by which one can reach the Paramatma. There are various means to attain a knowledge of the path to Moksha. Hence, when once you attain that knowledge, you will reach perfection.
Once, a young lion lost its way in the forest. It fell into the company of jackals. On account of the impact of the company of jackals, it also acquired their qualities. Even in its early age, the qualities of a lion disappeared in it. It forgot its own nature. In course of time, it grew up.
One day, a lion came there in search of prey and it
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