Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Try to understand yourself and see what you should write in the book of your life.
Life is a chapter; life is a grantha. What has been written in it? If you try to understand it, you will find that faults are recorded in it. If there are faults on the paper, the consequences also will be harmful.
Until now life has not been scrutinised and evaluated. You have not understood your life because you have not attained mental firmness.
We attiin perfection only when we attainmental firmness or equanimity, Until now, you have been wandering aimlessly in this Samsar thinking of such transient things as property, position, shops and houses and you have not realised that the body and the soul are different from each other. Until you understand this difference between the body and the soul, you will not realise the truth and without a knowledge of the truth there can be no selfrealisation.
Bheda Vijnan (the knowledge that the soul and the body are different from each other) is the foundation of all metaphysical doctrines.
The coconut symbolises this Bheda Vijnan. The coconut contains within itself the kernel. The outer shell and fibrous cover are symbolic of the body, whereas the kernel symbolises the soul, while the water in it symbolises attachment. When the water dries up the internal kernel becomes perfect and can be easily separated from the shell and the tangles of coir which surround it.
But you are attached to the external objects deeming them real. !f you break the coconut after the water dries up in it you will get dry, ripe, round, tasty, kernel.
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