Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
serenity in us. Its harmony and its haunting echoes fill us with felicity and serenity.
When we go to the temple of the Paramatma; and when we begin chanting hymns to glorify him, we begin by uttering the sound 'Aum.' This sound echoes from the corners of the sancto-sanctorum and begins to reverberate in our ears; and it functions like a medicine that brings us spiritual elevation. The temple is constructed in accordance with the principles of architecture or Vasthushilpa. and the sanctosanctorum is built in such a way that it produces echoes of our utterances.
You might have seen the petrographs and sculptures of Mistra. They echo medlodies and rhythms. They can be uttered in various ways and those rhythmic sounds produce in us certain emotions. Dead bodies were buried there nearly three thousand years ago; but even to-day, they exist in their original form. The architecture of our temples is of this kind. When we chant the Mantra 'Om' sitting in a temple, the pudgals of the Bhashavargana collide against the walls; return to us in the form of echoes; and pervade our bodies and souls. They function like some efficacious medicine. If you go to the temple and prostrate before the Paramatma, if you perform Panchang Pranipat, any kind of he adache that might be ailing you disappears. Carry out this austerity and verify for yourselves the truth of this. This sound is so efficacious that it dispels any kind of headache that might be agitating you. If you perform a Panchang pranipat, before the Paramatma and if you utter the sound 'Om' from the depths of your soul, it will echo; and will produce such vibrations in the air that they fill your soul; and dispel your headache whatever might be the cause for it. You will at once regain mental peace.
At the beginning of every Mantra, at the beginning of every observance and at the beginning of every spiritual austerity and activity the word "Om" is uttered in the Jain, Buddhistic and Hindu or Vedic traditions. 'Om' includes
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