Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
ment death. Hence sc ciety used to be happy and individuals used be in great joy. Lite was a magnificent harmony and it gave delight to people. Anarchy and ignobility ar pear to the extent to which we keep uif Charma. Humanity has disappeared from us. Derogations have appeared in us; and those derogations have been destorying the individual as well as the society. Hence, Dharma has been deemed an absolute necessity in life.
From where did Gandhiji cerive his lofty ideals? He derived them from the examples of great men described in Dharmagranthas. He himselt said that he had derived his ideals from his mother. His mother was a Jain; and his father was a Vaishnav. Theirs was an intercaste marriage. Normally, in Gujarat, Jains and Vaishnavs inter-marry and there is no problem of any kind. Gandhiji's mother used to meet Jain Sadhus. When Gandhiji wanted to go abroad for higher studies and when he sought the permission of his father and mother, his mother gave her consent, after consulting Sadhus. in those days going beyond the seas was considered to be against our traditions. His father raised an objection. His father was ihe Diwan in the court. He objected saying that if he went abroad, he would commit ignoble acts there; and he would lose his native culture under the influence of foreign culture. When Gandhiji made a request to his mother, she said, "Dear son: There is only one way. When Sadhus visit our house, we shall consult them; and if they give their consent or command, I will give my consent". "That noble lady had an extraordinary faith in Sadhus. When our Sadhus went to her house for Gochari (food) she sought their advice and then gave her consent. Gandhi has mentioned this in his Autobiography. In the first chapter of his authobiography he has said that all the affairs of his family were being carried out under the guidance of Sadhus; and that nothing was done in their family without consulting Sadhus. I am trying to impress upon you the point that the guidance of Sadhus is of great importance.
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