Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
to your questions. If you carry out your endeavours with the same attitude with which you ask the questions, you will automatically get answers to them. There will be no need for my discourses or explanations to answer your questions. There will not be any need for my explaining the answers to you.
Various people have asked me various questions. Bhagwan Mahaveer has given answers to all the ultimate questions of the world on the basis of the Anekantvad (the multidimensional approach); and since this approach combines both the views, there is no room for any controversy in his theories. This kind of approach is called the Anekant view. This view is so total and comprehensive that in it all contradictions get merged and there will be no room for any controversy in its theories. In this approach, there is the desire to know and accommodate the opinions of others. In it, an attempt is made to realize one another's opinions. Mahaveer Bhag. wan has expounded his theories on the basis of this multidimensional approach. When a problem is approached on the basis of the Anekant view, there will be an understanding between each other; people can see and realize one other's views: there will arise a lasting compromise among people; they will get proper answers to their questions; and there will not be any kind of disagreement or controversy among people. So, I will adopt this approach to answer your questions. You must realize first that I have carried out my contemplations on the basis of this view. One must reach that stage and dive deep into the depths of contemplation and reflection. There re countless things in the samsar, which we cannot perceive directly; but which we can understand only indirectly or on the basis of the Pramans evidences which have been accepted.
If there is a man who has developed short-sight, and cannot see objects situated at a distance, he will have to wear glasses with minus power. Supposing there are some objects in the sky which you cannot see with your eyes,
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