Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
The Supreme benefactor, the Jineswar Bhagwan has shown us the way to Moksha by delivering his lofty discourses. He bestowed upon the world the light he had obtained by years of spiritual endeavour.
He has described a path by which we can reach him.
"Oh you Gautam ! one should not be in a state of infatuation even for a moment'.
state of ignora
If a person dies in a state of infatuation or in a state of ignorance, that death will bring a series of deaths later. It will be something like an advance-booking for endless samsar.
Therefore, the Paramatma preached that we should awaken our souls from their stupor of infatuation.
Pramad (infatuation) is a terrible enemy of man. Spiritual awakening is nothing but the absence of infatuation. In this state of spiritual awakening, one can see oneself. The devotees of Mahaveer will conquer death, if they achieve the aim of spiritual realisation. Only an awakened soul is free from the fear of death.
Whether death occurs to-day or tomorrow it does not daunt an awakened soul.
The awakened soul says, "Do not deride me. Do not make any accusations against me. Do not defame me Do you think 1. am afraid of death? Not at all. I am a devotee of Bhagwan Mahaveer".
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