Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
The Ganga Inscriptions in Coorg............ 674
A Jaina-Vaishnava Compact................. 676
Jain Inscription at Sravana Belgola...... 676
Mysore.......................... 677
Mysore and Coorg..................... 878
Mysore inscription translated............... 679
Nagamangala copper plate Inscription... 680
The Poet Pampa. A Rashtrakuta Grant from Mysore..
Voir BURGESS, J. 688 RICKHAH DASS JANI. Doctrines of Jainism............... 684 RIBU, Ch. Voir BOHTLINGK, O............... 685 ROCKHILL, W.-W. Life of the Buddha.............. 886 ROUSSELET, L. L'Inde des Rajahs............ 687 ROWLAND, J. Mount Abu............... 688 Sajaydmala..................... 889 SAMINADEIYA. Ed. Sindnmani....... 690 Samskrta-pujapatha........ 891 Sanatana-Jainagrantha-mala........... 692 SANKALCAND MAHASUKHARAMA. Dilkus staranvali....... 693
Pujusangraha... 694 SASTRI, Bh. et K-P. PARAB ED. Subhasitaratnusam doha
d'Amitagadi................ 695 Satrunjaya tirthamala............... 096 BCHMIDT, R. The Kavyamala Edition of Amitagati's
Subhasitasamdoha, ................ 697 - et. J. HERTEL. Amitagati's Subhasitasam
doha. ........ 698 SCHRADER, F.-O. Uber den Stand der indischen Philo
sophie zur Zeit Mahaviras und
Buddhas.................................... 699 SCHROEDER, L von. Indiens Literature und Cultur... 700 SOHUBRING, W. Das Kalpa-sutra..... 701 SENART, E. Les inscriptions de Piyadasi.......... 703 - The inscriptions of Piyadari, trad G.-A:
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