Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Liste von Abschriften und Anzugen aus
der Jaïna-Literatur ............... 490 LEUMANN, E. Prabhacandra's Epitaph................. 491
Recension: G. BOHLER, Leben des Jaina
Monches............................ 499
Hemachandra... 493
R. HOERNLE, Uvasagadasao... 494
MAX MULLER, India, what can
it teach us ?............. 495
Zum siebenten Kapitel von Amitagati's Su
bhasitasamdoha............. 496
Strassburg Collection of Digambara Manus
cripts......................... 497
Zwei weitere Kalaka-Legenden................... 498 LEVI, Sylvain Djainisme............. 499
Les donations religieuses des rois de
Valabhi........ 500
La science des religions et les religions
de l'Inde .......... 501 LEVY, I. Voir CHANTEPIE de la SAUSSAYE. 502 LIMAYA, H-V. Voir FLEET, J-F. 503 List of ancient monuments in Bengal............... 504 List of mss in Sane krit College, Benares, 1897-1901... 505
1902...... 506 LORD, P.-B. Letter to Sir Alex. Johnston.................. 507 LOVARINI, E. La novellina gainion del re Papabuddhi... 508 LUDERS, H. Epigraphical Notes.................... 509
Kadaba plates of Prabhutavarsha......... 510
Srarana-Belgola inscription of Irugapa... 511 MACDONELL, A. History of Sanskrit Literature.. 512 MACKENZIE, C. Account of the Jains. 518 MACKENZIE, S.-F. The temple at Halabid................. 514
Sravana Belligola................... 515 MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA et P DURGAPRASADA. Ed. Candran
prabhacarita de
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